Who is Charter Financial Planning?
Financial Services legislation requires that any company or person providing advice be licensed. Silvan Ridge Financial Services have chosen to be licensed through Charter Financial Planning who provide us with licensing and support services.
Charter Financial Planning is a member of the AMP Group. The AMP Group includes companies formerly part of the Australian and New Zealand operations of AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited.
Charter Financial Planning is one of Australia’s leading financial planning organisations and has been operating since 1996. Charter Financial Planning holds an Australian Financial Service Licence for providing both personal and general advice and can offer a range of financial services that are listed within this FSG.
Charter Financial Planning is a Professional Partner of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) and is fully committed to the FPA’s Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct. Charter Financial Planning is also a Corporate Member of the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA).
Charter Financial Planning Limited
ABN 35 002 976 294
Licence No. 234665
Level 9, 750 Collins Street,
Docklands, VIC 3008
Silvan Ridge Insurance Consultants Pty Ltd, as trustees for Silvan Ridge Investment Trust, trading as Silvan Ridge Financial Services, Corporate Authorised Representatives of Charter Financial Planning Limited, Australian Financial Service Licence 234 665