Maximising your superannuation

Superannuation is just one way of planning for your future retirement. It’s particularly attractive to people because it’s more tax effective both when you’re working on in retirement. Through super you can hold a variety of investments including, shares, cash and property.

Will retirement live up to my expectations?

To ensure your retirement lives up to your expectations you need to ask yourself some basic questions:

  • What type of lifestyle do I want in retirement?
  • What arrangements have I made to fund this lifestyle?
  • Can I afford to take the chance the Government will be able to keep me in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed?


How we can help

Silvan Ridge can advise you on the range of strategies that are available to maximise your superannuation throughout your working life and in the lead up to your retirement.

  • Superannuation structures
  • Insurance within superannuation
  • Contributions


Did you know?

The government has made it attractive to save additional sums in superannuation? Taxed at the low rate of 15% superannuation compares well with most people’s normal tax rate which can be as high as 48.5%.


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